Carmelo Caparros
Feb 11, 2018
James addresses his audience “my brethren” three times in this chapter alone and it is done intentionally on the part of James to shame those who professed to be Christians but had uncontrolled tongues.
Christians are expected to be a NEW CREATION, which means that they are people who have a NEW TONGUE. Yet the sad reality, it seems, is that many in that congregation were still acting in a FLESHLY WAY, as if they were not a NEW CREATION.
TEXT: James 3: 6 – 12
In this section, James describes what a FLESHLY TONGUE is in THREE WAYS:
I. The tongue is an evil destructive force v. 6 (wicked bio-data)
a. fire
b. world of iniquity
c. source of defilement
d. tone setter of our lives
e. inspired by hell
II. The tongue is untamed vv. 7 – 8 (study of contrasts)
a. tamed animals
b. wild tongue
III.The tongue is inconsistent vv. 9 – 12 (study of contrasts)
a. instrument of blessing and cursing
b. consistency of nature
The descriptions stated here is not the design of God, for God made the tongue for positive purposes and not for negative ones.