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Living Word Christian Church

Carmelo Caparros
Jul 31, 2022


In the recently concluded ELECTIONS, what we would like to hear from our government is the PROGRAM it intends to implement for our country.

Any government needs a program to ADDRESS the NEEDS of a NATION. Jesus, whom Isaiah prophesies would RULE God’s kingdom, most definitely has a PROGRAM that addresses the GREATEST NEED of the WORLD. Matthew, the “press secretary of Jesus” gives us a DETAILED SUMMARY of Jesus’ program.


TEXT: Matthew 10: 5 – 10

Here’s an outline of our study today:

I. The Program & Message of the King vv. 5 – 7

II. The Power & Authority of the King v. 8a

III.The Financial Policy & Promise of the King vv. 8b – 10


Well brethren that’s the program of our king. One beautiful thing with this program is it is FOOLPROOF and TRUSTWORTHY.