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Living Word Christian Church

Carmelo Caparros
Feb 26, 2023


Today, we will be discussing the LAST and FINAL HEART in this parable. This heart we will call the “OPEN HEART”. We will do an “open heart surgery” so that we can dissect what kind of a heart this is and determine its characteristics. At the outset, let me say that this is the kind of heart that GOD SEEKS.


TEXT: Matthew 13: 8,9 & 23

I. The Open Heart’s Response- v. 8a / v. 23a

II.The Open Heart’s Fruitfulness – v. 8b / 23b

III. The Plea for those with Open Hearts – v. 9

Sincere seekers go beyond PHYSICAL HEARING and implies INNER RECEPTIVITY of TRUTH. This requires an OPEN HEART.


What kind of a heart do you have?