Carmelo Caparros
Aug 13, 2017
In the previous verses, we were taught to center our lives on the Word of God as it was the means to our salvation. The Book of Romans affirms this truth:
Romans 10:17, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.”
Likewise, the word of God is the instrument of the Lord for our sanctification and spiritual growth. As such, the word of God is not just to be read or heard, but it is to be obeyed. In this, we will find blessing for our lives.
The Illustration of A Mere Hearer – James 1:22-25
Purpose: FIX yourself.
(A) Dismisses his appearance before God
(B) Misses the goal
The Way To Blessedness
(A) Look
(B) Abide
As the Christian meditates on God’s word, he is to do what the Word of God requires. The result of this is blessing.
The Bible is called the “Perfect Law”, because the holiness of God knows no error. It is also called the “Law of Liberty”, because one who does it senses an inner freedom, which can only come when one follows the Word of God. Freedom is present not when we do what we want to do, but when we do what we ought to do.
The call of God upon our lives is not a pseudo-spirituality that glories in intellectual stimulation, that has no bearing on our spiritual maturity and transformation.
What God wants is that when he looks at us, WE LOOK LIKE THE WORD!