Carmelo Caparros
Apr 2, 2017
When God calls you to do something, how do you respond to him? Do you respond to him in obedience or disobedience? Does it ever cross your mind that you can actually escape your calling and the consequences of your disobedience?
Why he disobeyed is probably one of the most intriguing things in this story and we will attempt to understand the circumstances which led to his disobedience.
How the story plays out in this story is seen in the flow of the narrative:
(a.) The Command to Prophesy to Nineveh (vv. 1-2)
(b.) The Disobedience (v. 3)
(c.) The Consequence (vv. 4-5) (Part 1)
(d.) The Rebuke: The Captain (v. 6) , The Sailors (vv. 7-10)
(e.) The Solution (and Conversion of Sailors) (vv. 11-16)
(f.) The Grace of God (v. 17) (Part 2)
Jonah knew that the storm was a consequence of his disobedience and yet he didn’t care if he died or if the men in the ship would die with him. Jonah just went below the ship and slept. Again, he shows that he had no compassion towards other people of other nations.
Can we really escape the call of God and the consequences of disobedience? The answer is a BIG NO, so we should NEVER CROSS the LINE AGAINST GOD!