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Living Word Christian Church

Carmelo Caparros
Jul 11, 2021


I have been contemplating on what to preach after the Sermon on the Mount and I had considered preaching on 1 John. However as I tried to sense where God was leading me, I felt led to teach on the Narrative part of Matthew which would be Chapters 1 – 4, and then Chapters 8 – 28.

D. Martin Lloyd Jones said:
“No man should preach unless he has felt that God has given him a message. It is the business of any man who tries to preach and expound the Scriptures to wait upon God for leading and guidance.

As the Lord has led me to this back, I have laid aside certain goals for this study:

1. To show to us that Jesus is the REAL MESSIAH, SAVIOR and PROMISED KING.
2. To show that our born-again faith is the GENUINE FAITH
3. To show you how the Church began.
4. To be able to live according to the WILL of our KING.

Before we dive into the book itself, I have deemed it profitable to give you a TWOPART BACKGROUND STUDY of the book so that we do not get lost in the details of the book. To get lost is DISASTROUS and we cause us to misinterpret the LIFE, WORDS and WORKS of Jesus.

People who don’t understand the background of Matthew will get lost and misunderstand Christ and His mission. This is why this background study is so important. I will discuss the 1st PART to our INTRODUCTION TODAY


I. Why did the early Christians place Matthew as the first book in the New Testament?

The early Christians knew that their faith had its ROOTS in JUDAISM (O.T. religion). Matthew forms a “BRIDGE” between the OLD and the NEW, between Judaism and Christianity.

II. Some CHARACTERISTICS of Matthew’s Gospel

A. The LAW
B. Ceremonial defilement
C. Sabbath
D. Kingdom – Davidic kingdom
E. Jerusalem – center of Jewish worship
F. Temple
G. David
H. Messiah
I. Fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies
J. Moses
K. Genealogy: It traces the ancestors of Jesus back through DAVID to ABRAHAM, the father of the JEWISH RACE.


We have barely scratched the surface in our introduction to Matthew, but I pray that we are beginning to understand that Bible study is not a matter of HOCUS- POCUS but TEDIOUS WORK.

I pray that our study of the Book of Matthew will make us understand that our Messiah is the REAL MESSIAH and our faith is the REAL FAITH.