Carmelo Caparros
Aug 16, 2020
I took an interest in this Psalm for TWO REASONS:
1) Most of the Psalms are attributed to David or to Asaph or the Sons of Koran. This Psalm is the only Psalm attributed to Moses in the Book of Psalms. His other Psalms are found in Deuteronomy 32 and 33.
This is the OLDEST Psalm. Moses is the Bible’s very first author who wrote the 1st 5 books of the Bible, otherwise known as the Pentateuch. The title also says, “man of God” which is used over 70 times to refer to God’s spokesman. That title in itself tells us that this is worth reading and studying.
2) This Psalm carries with it a CONTEMPORARY RELEVANCE that should grab everybody’s attention.
At no other time in this GENERATION’S LIFETIME have we experienced as much the FRAGILITY and the BREVITY of our lives than in this PANDEMIC CRISIS. As such, I believe that this Psalm carries with it a STRONG and COMPELLING MESSAGE which needs to be heard all over the world.
TEXT: Psalm 90
1. ETERNALITY OF GOD vv. 1 – 2
2. TEMPORALITY OF MAN vv. 3 – 11
3. Man’s Proper Response and Man’s Petitions for His Short Existence – vv. 12 – 17
When you contrast the ETERNALITY of God and the TEMPORALITY of Man, the ABSOLUTE HOLINESS of God and the SINFULNESS of MAN, you cannot help but conclude that MAN’S POSTURE before God should be that of HUMILITY, SUBMISSION and SURRENDER. Let those TRUTHS resonate in our hearts and minds.