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Learn How To Conquer Trials!

“… Pastor Mel has shown us, by insightful exposition and inspiring example, that if God is everything, then God ALONE is ENOUGH! …”

– Edmund Chan
Leadership Mentor and Covenant EFC Founder
Global Alliance of Interntional Disciple Making Churcheser

“… If you are looking for a book to help you measure your spiritual progress not only in the good times, but especially the bad times, this book is for you! …”

– Dr. David Geisler
Norm Geisler International Ministries

Do you want to know how to
conquer trials and sufferings in Christ?

In More than Enough, Pastor Mel Caparros gives us the believer’s prescription for overcoming trials, using passages from the Book of James and his own life experiences. He talks about conquest through our God who is more than enough to meet our needs, so that we may emerge victorious in whatever sufferings we face.

*All royalties will go to the church.

This book explores the theme of conquest — our redemptive victory over trials and suffering.

  • Chapter 1: The Beginning Conquest
  • Chapter 2: Conquest of the Mind
  • Chapter 3: Conquest by Praying for God’s Wisdom
  • Chapter 4: Conquest through an Honest Conversation with God
  • Chapter 5: Conquest through God’s Wisdom in His Word
  • Chapter 6: Conquest by Praying in Faith
  • Chapter 7: Conquest by Perseverance
  • Chapter 8: Conquest by Patience (part 1)
  • Chapter 9: Conquest by Patience (part 2)
  • Chapter 10: Conquest by Prayer and Praise
  • Chapter 11: Conquest by Sickness and Sin
  • Chapter 12: Conquest through Effective Prayer

*All royalties will go to the church.


“I consider it a joy and privilege to write this foreword for Pastor Mel Caparros. In this book, you will meet his lovely wife, Marie, get acquainted with his children and extended family, and get a glimpse of his many life experiences. But beyond an introduction to his family and colleagues, he will walk you through the challenges of years of successful ministry, the difficulties of walking by faith, and the rewards of faithfully serving the Lord.
The title More than Enough describes the grace of a loving God whose Son died outside the walls of Jerusalem, crucified by Roman soldiers. And what is “more than enough?” It is the abundant grace of God (which I define with the acronym GRACE: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense). It is the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit honoring the promises of God’s Word, and the challenges of ministering in a broken world that is no friend to grace.
While Pastor Mel relates many meaningful lessons he has learned over the years, this book helps readers find purpose and meaning in life.”

- Dr. Harold J. Sala

Speaker, Author, Founder and President of Guidelines International, Inc.

“Pastor Mel Caparros has written his second book, More than Enough, focusing upon the reality of trials that come in our life. This book is a valuable resource for all who are looking for a proper perspective regarding trials. In this book Pastor Mel explains how “trials are God’s gifts to us” and how, “with the right attitude, they can bring us into spiritual maturity.” This is because the way to approach trials is not with a view of being defeated, but with a view to living victoriously through them. He encourages the reader to focus upon the teaching in the Epistle of James, where victory is realized by a dependence upon God’s wisdom as revealed in Scripture and by living with genuine faith in the Lord as you patiently persevere through the trials. I recommend everyone to read this book and receive valuable insights on how to bring glory to the Lord when living in the midst of difficult trials.”

- Pastor Vincent Greene

Professor of Expository Preaching at The Expositor’s Academy

I’ve had the privilege of meeting Pastor Mel Caparros through an invitation to hold a conference at his church in Cebu. One of the things that became immediately obvious to me was his congregation’s love for God’s Word. This can only be attributed to the proper nourishment the flock receives through consistent expository preaching. If I could sum up Pastor Mel’s style of teaching/preaching God’s Word, I would say it is accurate, clear, and relevant for believers from all walks of life. If you’ve read his first book, Enough is Enough, then you already know what I’m talking about. It is a well-crafted exposition of the book of Philippians, speaking to us on the issue of contentment in the life of a believer. This second book, More than Enough, continues on with his gifted exposition of God’s Word through the book of James. Addressing the subject of the believer’s victory over suffering, Mel offers food for the soul in one of the most practical and wisdom-filled books of the New Testament. You will appreciate his “real” approach to the trials and suffering believers endure in this fallen world, God’s purposes for them, the practical insights he brings to the table concerning them, and the encouragement of overcoming them as God’s Word declares to us. When you read this book, you’re going into the deep waters of Scripture. Mel makes this understandable and relevant for all believers through his practical application and stories we can all relate to. Once again, Pastor Mel Caparros doesn’t disappoint and offers another most needed work for edifying the Body of Christ!”

- Walter Colace

Founding/Senior Pastor Christ Community Church El Centro, California